Friday, December 11, 2009


Wow, it’s hard to believe that this is the end of another semester. Only one more semester (PSIII for me) and then I will once again be finished my post-secondary career (hopefully this time for good…unless in the future I decide to do a master’s program). I can’t wait to see what the future holds and where I might be teaching next year.

This blogging assignment was pretty interesting. It was definitely a different type of assignment than what I thought I would ever complete in university. I used a blog a few years ago to keep my family and friends up to date on my travels around New Zealand and Australia but have never written about my classes or readings so this was definitely a new experience for me. I really enjoyed writing the blog as it helped me develop my opinion regarding certain subjects and helped me to see what other people thought about the same subject. I thought it was really neat that we were able to read and respond to other classmates blogs. I tried to comment on at least one person’s blog a week and enjoyed that it led to some conversations in our class or in other classes. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s blogs and thought that I learned more about each individual as the semester went on. The blog also helped me learn about some of the current issues in education that some classmates read about in the paper or heard about in other classes.

Overall I really enjoyed writing this blog and reading everyone else’s blog too. I hope everyone enjoyed blogging as much as I did and I wish you all the best in the next semester.

Merry Christmas!

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